Pay to use a public toilet – or lose your loos. That is the choice being given to residents by a local council. One of the options being discussed by Chichester District Council to make budget savings is to make people pay 20p to go to the toilet in the area. Other measures include shutting down public conveniences permanently, a shared partnership toilet scheme and making limited closures. Residents have pointed out the disadvantaged need to use those toilets.
Charging for public conveniences is frequently becoming the only alternative to closing toilets among hard-up local authorities. Public toilets cost a lot to keep to a good standard – but this is where Toilet Turnstiles come in. Our Coin Operated Turnstiles generate revenue for the general day to day maintenance, cleaning and upkeep of the facilities. The access control turnstiles have the added benefit of preventing people from wandering into the toilets as they now have to pay a nominal fee for the privilege.