There have been calls on a Midlands council to clean up its act regarding a town’s public toilets. More than 50 local people have signed up to urge Sandwell Council to keep its conveniences hygienic. A recent council meeting called for pressure to be put on press advertising hoarding firm JC Decaux to provide replacement toilets for the town. It has a 15-year contract with the council to replace all of Sandwell’s toilets, but this is linked to the number of advertising sites they need.
Styled in a tripod design, both single and double half height turnstiles are available from Toilet Turnstiles. These access control products allow you to double your throughput while keeping the amount of space used by the turnstile to a minimum. The coin operated Turnstiles are manufactured from graded stainless steel for ease of cleaning and maintenance and are duty cycle rated for intensive use. Toilet turnstiles can be installed at prestige access points and need no routine maintenance.